Thursday, February 5, 2009

Rainy Day Blues!!!

So today it is raining for the first time in I really don't remember how long. The baby is down for her morning nap and so I thought I would update everyone on what has been going on. Elizabeth was blessed this past Sunday. Her dress was beautiful. Jared's mom made it for her. I was nervous that she would cry during the whole blessing but she was really good. I don't have pictures yet, Jared's dad took them with his camera. So as soon as I get them I will post them for everyone. We had a luncheon at the in laws after church. It was very scrumptious. I have been officially cleared by the doctor to resume regular activities. I could go back to work, but I am going to take another 6 weeks off for "Baby Bonding Time". So I should be returning in the middle of March. Well that's it for our family so far. Thanks for reading!!!

1 comment:

kaysi van dyke fox said...

aweee.. how exciting!!! i cannot believe you two have a baby!! i am dying to see her!! ;)