Well it is Sunday afternoon and I am currently at the in laws house watching my child go in and out of the back screen door walking around the backyard. It is gorgeous outside. So funny story, we were at the Stake Basketball games last night and I was sitting there minding my own business when all of a sudden Lizzie made me move quickly which then made me kick my very large cup of water from Taco Bell over. Now if you must know the carpet at the church is NOT absorbent whatsoever. So I went to the bathroom to grab paper towels, but they weren't the old school kind where you use the lever and pull as many as you want at one time. It is the newer kind that you can only get one sheet at a time. So I grabbed as many as I thought I would need.
Get back to the mess to find that I have created a very large lake in the middle of the overflow section of the Stake Center, and that the paper towels I had gotten were of course not enough. So my friend Kristin went and got me some more towels, still a small creek was there. Then all of a sudden a light bulb came on and I grabbed one of Lizzie's night time diapers from the bag. WORKED LIKE A CHARM!!! My mother in law thinks I should write to Pampers and let them know how their product helped me out in a sticky situation. They might send me free samples if I do.
I thought I would share that very funny story with all of you in the blogging world. Have a great SUNDAY!!!!!!!!
9 years ago